How to Set Different Wallpapers on Dual Monitors

Bring your dual monitor work arrangement to the next level with this stunning wallpaper! Stop using the same wallpaper for both screens and go with two different ones instead; first, it’ll be rather convenient for you to distinguish between the displays, and second, it will make multitasking a lot easier. Build the dream desk that brings into focus the things that motivate or interest you most, and get more done in less time than any time management system could guarantee.

Set Different Wallpapers on Dual Monitors

Here, we would make your journey easier by showing you how to personalize that dual monitor setup by placing unique wallpapers on each of the screens in Windows. In a few simple movements of the mouse, the user will be able to modify the environment to their preferences, and have an appealing and organized workspace. Take some time to browse through some of our Dual Monitor wallpapers below in order to get you going.

Setting Different Background Images on Dual Monitors

In the past, it was possible to set different wallpapers for various screens only with help of third party applications or tools. But ever since Windows 8 to the current Windows 10, the fundamentals have changed a lot. you can now get this done through the Control Panel. These are the same steps to follow any time you are working with the Windows 10 and 11 OS.

Here’s Step by Step Guide how to set separate wallpapers on dual monitors in Windows:

  • So you need to navigate to the Desktop right click then click on personalize.
  • The Personalization window, which you can also find under your background settings, will open.
  • Go to the Browse button to search for a desktop wallpaper or two you would like to use per monitor via your pictures folder.
  • If located, right click an image on the background of the program.
  • Next select either ‘set for monitor 1’ or ‘set for monitor 2’.
  • It does the same for the next monitor in order to set up a different wallpaper.
  • Tip: That’s right! Each of your monitors has its very own wallpaper! For instance, if ever you wish to add a new twist in screen appearance, simply right-click on the desktop and select ‘Next desktop background’.

What if positioning just one photograph that covers extended area of the desktop for multiple monitors? Windows has the Span option to assist with that for anyone who indeed works with a dual monitor setup.

Open Control Panel.

On Personalization, click Browse to search for your dual monitor wallpaper in your pictures folder.

Right-click on the background image, then click Set for monitor 1.

Under the “Choose a fit” section, select “Span”.

The wallpaper should now stretch to fill both monitors.

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